Tips for a Successful Quarterly Review
Quarterly reviews can sometimes be intimidating, but they don’t have to be. I’ve outlined a few simple tips to ensure you’re prepared and get the most out of this one on one time with your boss.
Reviews are a great way to get one-on-one time with your boss to discuss pretty much anything you want. This can be an intimidating times , but if you use these super easy tips as your guide you’re sure to be prepared.

Ask Questions
This is something I’ve had to work on throughout my career. I’m the type of person who wants to ask meaningful questions, but that’s totally subjective. Jot down a few questions you want to ask your boss, whether it’s about your career trajectory or more related to day to day functions of your position. Asking questions lets your boss know that you’re interested and engaged in the work you’re doing. Asking questions can also be the first step in taking your career to the next level.
Have Ideas for your Career Trajectory
What are you interested in or passionate about? Are you looking to be promoted within your department or are you more interested in making a lateral move? Having an idea-even a loose one-of where you want your career to go can help your boss prepare you for the next step. Sydney talked about goal setting recently, and that’s a great post to reference for this tip. If you’re able to go in and talk about where you want to be in the next six months to a year, you can be introduced to potential colleagues, do a job shadow or be given more responsibility to sharpen your skills for the position you have your eye on.
Welcome Feedback
It can sometimes be difficult to accept constructive criticism. We don’t want to feel like the work we do is being slighted or picked apart. However, you should welcome feedback from your boss, and I’ll tell you why. Getting caught up in the day to day activities of your job can be easy. You may not notice if you start to fall off your game a bit. A good boss will take notice of what your strengths and weaknesses are, and give you feedback to become more well-rounded and balanced. You may be great at data analysis but could use some work on your presentation skills. When these things get brought to your attention think of them as a homework assignment that you can go back and work on.
Create an Action Plan
After all is said and done, your boss should be looking to build an action plan with you. What can you do to either make sure you stay on the right track or put you on the right track. If your boss doesn’t bring it to you, don’t be afraid to ask. Taking initiative is always appreciated. You want to take control of your career and hold yourself accountable for your future. Knowing what you need to do to get to where you want to be makes your goals more attainable. You know there are actions and steps you can take to reach your destination.

I hope you all found these tips useful! Comment below if you have any other quarterly review tips. I’d love to hear your feedback!
Until next time,