What Your Wardrobe Says About You-And Why it Matters
Hello Lovelies,
I know this post may seem superficial at first glance but trust me, it’s not. We all hear a lot of cliches about how looks don’t matter, don’t judge a book by it’s cover, etc. But let’s be honest; we do judge others based on appearance first. Before you speak to someone and get to know them, you typically see them first. For this reason your wardrobe, and consequently what you wear, says a lot about you. And yes, it does indeed matter.

People can draw conclusions and make assumptions on you based on what you wear. If you wear dark colors all the time, they may assume you’re not a people person. If you come to the office every day wearing wrinkled clothes, they may assume you’re sloppy and lazy. Now these assumptions may be incorrect, but what you exude is what people see. It’s important to put some stock in your appearance in the work place because you want to give off the right impression. Whether your office is conservative, casual or somewhere in between you always have the opportunity to make a positive statement with what you wear.
First, let’s survey your wardrobe. What does it consist of? Do the clothes you have fit your current style? (if not, stay tuned-we’ll revisit this topic). Is your wardrobe filled with hoodies, t-shirts, jeans and things of that nature? Do you have any of the professional style basics? Do you have a balanced wardrobe? Your answers to these questions will determine what your wardrobe says abut you. If your wardrobe is mostly super casual and you work in a professional office setting, you could be giving off the vibe that you don’t take your work seriously. And if you don’t take your work seriously, others won’t take YOU seriously. For a woman looking to advance her career, this is a huge no-no! You want your wardrobe to speak to all the amazing qualities that make you you! Your wardrobe should exude confidence, tact, intelligence, strength and sophistication.

If you have clothes that feel too immature or are ill-fitting, you run the risk of looking unkempt—they gotta go! Your clothes should suit your body type and your age. That’s the key to being comfortable in what you’re wearing. When you wear clothes that fit you well, your confidence instantly sky rockets! This may mean getting some pieces tailored to fit you just right. You may find pants in your size that fit you well everywhere except the waist and they need to be taken in a bit. It’s well worth the effort and money for the right fit.
Now, you may be asking why it even matters what your wardrobe says about you. Who cares what you wear right? Wrong. If you think people don’t notice what you wear, they absolutely do. You could be garnering the wrong attention or giving people the wrong impression based on what you wear. If you’re working toward a promotion, you may get overlooked if you aren’t projecting as a woman who wants to level up. Now of course, you have to have the work ethic to back that up but the two go hand in hand. Working hard and dressing well are the perfect combo for getting the high praises at work. Think about any potential presentations or meetings you may lead. You want your superiors to know that you can dress the part and make a positive impression on your audience.
We often talk about how what you wear should reflect who you are as a person. I think there’s a misconception that you can’t do that with work wear if your preference is comfortable clothes. Issa myth! You can absolutely be comfortable in stylish work wear. If you prefer to wear understated clothes, you can stick to simple and classic professional style pieces. A simple, clean cut look still speaks volumes in the workplace and you’re likely to be seen as sharp and well put together. On the other hand, if you’re more of a risk-taker with your style that can easily translate to the office as well. You can sport pieces with bold prints and avant-garde cuts. These looks will tell people that you’re confident and outgoing–two coveted qualities in a professional setting.

As you can see, what you wear says a lot about you, in every day life and in the workplace. Presentation matters and as a woman navigating her career you want to ensure you’re presenting yourself in a way that positions you for the next best move. We’re not settling for less in style or career! The message your wardrobe sends to others is a lasting one, so make it count!
Until next time,

Links à la Mode by Independent Fashion Bloggers
- What Your Wardrobe Says About You and Why it Matters by Classic. City. Chic.
- How to Wear Dresses in the Winter by Venti Fashion
- Best Instagrammable Food Spots in Chicago by EverythingEva
- New Year, New Shoes by Being Zhenya
SPONSOR: Shopbop Serpui Marie, KORAL ACTIVEWEAR, re:named Clothing, Closed, Leandra Medine, Palm, Woven Bags, Blush Dresses, Leopard Print Pumps, Men’s BOSS Hugo Boss