3 Reasons Why You Need a Mentor
Having a mentor is something I’ve valued for many years. Not only can a mentor guide you in your career, but a mentor is a valuable piece to the puzzle of your overall growth.
My freshman year of college I signed up for a mentorship program on campus. The purpose of this program was to give the new Black students access to someone who could give them insight on navigating the new chapter we were entering as college students. I had no idea that the mentor I shared with my then roommate would stay with me and provide the guidance I need throughout my life journey. I can come to her about anything from career to side hustle and she serves as a great example of what I aspire to be. Without a mentor I probably would have gotten stuck at several hurdles life threw my way. This valuable relationship is what inspired me to write today’s post and encourage you all to find mentors too.

Here are just a few reasons why you need a mentor:
1. A mentor can offer advice based in experience
This is especially helpful when your mentor is in your career field or holds a position you aspire to hold one day. You can talk to them about challenges you’re facing and they can offer advice based on similar experiences they’ve had. They can also use their knowledge to challenge your perspective and encourage you to think outside the box. You can use their path as a blueprint, while still forging your own with your unique qualities.

2. They are a serious accountability partner
We’ve talked about how important accountability partners are before. Your mentor is the perfect accountability partner because they understand you, your goals and what it takes to get you to the next level. Friends and family can sometimes be lenient with holding you accountable but a good mentor will challenge you to stay on track. They’ll check in with you regularly and give you the push you need to reach your goals

3.Easily expand your network
Mentors can really open the door to your network and introduce you to people from all walks of life. A solid network is really important because it gives you a pool of people you can reach out to when you’re seeking help on a project or are looking to make a career move. If you’re slightly uncomfortable with “cold calling” people you’d like to have in your network, your mentor can serve as a buffer and give you an intro.

I talked a lot about what a mentor would have to offer you as a mentee in this post. Be aware that mentorship is by no means a one-way street! Like any relationship, it takes effort from both parties to keep the relationship strong. You may think you don’t have much to offer someone who’s older or holds a more senior position but you absolutely do! We all have unique qualities and skills we can offer others and you can use your skills to contribute to the relationship.

Do you have a mentor? If not, did this post encourage you to seek one out? Let me know in the comments!