7 Realistic Career Goals to Hit This Year
Every year, we challenge ourselves to new career goals, routines, and successes. For me, my career comes first so I’m always looking to climb the corporate ladder and expand my network. Even if you’re not going for a promotion this year, there are plenty other career goals that you can set to help you grow. This list of 7 is perfect for any time in your journey. Get started today!

My biggest regret at my old company is not staying in touch with co-workers while I was there. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the work week especially if you’re seeing them a lot at meetings. That can almost feel like you caught up…right? Well this year, I’m focusing on expanding and nurturing my network more consistently. That might be one networking event a quarter, two co-worker lunches a month, and one coffee connection a week. Relationship building is such an important part of your career journey so treat it with care. Your professional development will thank you!
Pretty sure this is number one on everyone’s career goals list! I mean who doesn’t love a boost in pay and responsibility? If you’ve been in your role for at least a year, you should start getting ready for your next step. Of course you have to have the skills behind it (which I’m sure you do because you’re amazing!) but start thinking about what your next move should be and how to get there.

Did your company sneakily increase your workload and *forgot* to give you that pay increase? Well, there’s no better time to ask than the present! Maybe you took on other’s work, started mentoring within your team, or had some additional responsibilities added to your plate. A pay increase doesn’t always come with a big new title but that doesn’t mean the money shouldn’t be there. Head to the negotiating table with your updated resume and start having some foundational conversations about your expectations with your manager.
Don’t think you’re ready for the next step just yet? No worries! Now is a great time to learn something new either in or outside your field. I’m a huge fan of self-help/professional development books to help you grow and think a little differently. If books are hard to make time for, try taking a course, listening to podcasts, or reading an article on blogs like this :) . There’s plenty of information on anything and everything to help you grow.

This is a much longer career goal process but in the end it’s so worth it! If it’s on your list, start brushing up your resume (you can get some easy tips here) and start browsing the job boards to get an idea of what’s out there.
One of the single most important things that have helped my career is a mentor. They’re a great sounding board for advice or just another perspective. Maybe you’re thinking about changing fields or asking for a raise. Use them for practice or have them review your resume. Plus, if you’re looking for a new job and they’re in your network, I’m sure they’ll have some connections you can use to reach your career goals.
Everyone knows having multiple streams of income is the move. Whether that’s investing in property, starting a blog or website, or maybe you’re talented in a topic where you can get paid. Think about how you spend your free time and if you can make a little extra cash along the way.
What career goal will you achieve this year?