How to Write the Best LinkedIn Summary IN 3 EASY STEPS
Whether you’re looking for a new job, started a side hustle, or it’s just been a while, it’s probably time to give your LinkedIn Summary a refresh. Check out my tips below on how to make the most of your LinkedIn page.

I’ll be honest… I have a love hate relationship with LinkedIn. Somewhere between the fake posts, being hit on, and MLM requests it’s lost its way a bit. BUT that doesn’t mean you should avoid it all together because it IS the number one social media platform for professionals. So, whether you’re trying to stay connected to old co-workers, get promoted internally, or on the search for a new career, make it worth your while.
The summary section should serve as a snapshot of your professional past, present, and future. Like your resume, every section of your LinkedIn profile page should be focused and direct to give viewers a solid understanding about you, your work and your skills in less than 10 seconds.
I did a lot of research on what makes a good LinkedIn summary. But first, you need to decide what are your intentions for your LinkedIn page. Is it to get connect with recruiters for a career change? Are you hiring for your company? Maybe you’re looking to connect with investors for a business venture. Whatever the case, keep your intention front of mind so you can make the most of your LinkedIn summary.

So, when building your LinkedIn summary, it comes down to three basic questions you need to answer.

To start off your LinkedIn Summary, your first sentence should state what you do currently with strong, action based language. As a Consultant, I have a very large skillset but what really gets me excited is working with employees to create unique solutions to improve and create a positive working environment. For me, this is a simple fact that tells my reader exactly what I do in one succinct sentence. If they didn’t read any further, they would still have a solid idea about my skills, and expertise.

Next, you’ll want to include a few skills that you have to offer some information into what you do. It’s not just your skills though, it’s how you use them. your skills. Ask yourself, do you solve difficult problems for clients, communicate complex information, guide large teams? Consider what skills you perform and most importantly the result that those skills provide. Don’t forget to include key words that match your industry by doing a quick Google search for some inspiration.

So, you’ve shared a quick summary, included additional skills, and now, you need to tell people why they should be on your profile with a call to action. If you’re in the job market, add that you’re searching for a new, challenging role that develops your skills. If you aren’t in the job market, consider adding why people should connect with you or who you’re looking to connect with. Or if you’re like me, share a side hustle (where appropriate) that people should go to. LinkedIn is still a professionally based platform so try to keep things in that area.
Now that you’ve got your key pieces, let’s add them all together. He’s an example using my career:
Sydney is a Change Management and Organizational Development professional passionate about developing unique and creative solutions for employees to improve their ways of working. Skilled in leading change management initiatives, workshop development and delivery, and program management, Sydney is a sought-after resource for clients seeking to drive positive transformations.
See! That wasn’t too hard was it?
Pro Tip: If you feel stumped at first, don’t be shy and take peek at your colleagues or others in similar positions. They’ll be able to provide a little bit of inspiration and some starting points for you. Use your resources.
Hopefully the LinkedIn summary doesn’t sound as intimidating now!