Goal Setting for 2019 and Beyond

I honestly can’t believe how fast the year has flown by! But with that means it’s time to finish up our goals for 2018 and start planning our new ones for 2019. Today, I’m sharing three tips to creating, executing and reaching your goals for 2019!

Hello Loves! I honestly can’t believe how fast 2018 has flown by! It seems like just yesterday it was January 2nd and I was researching different workouts to try to kick off the year. Now, it’s nearly Halloween and I’m starting to look for Christmas gifts for my family.

Corporate Work WearI’ve been reading a lot of books and listening to podcasts about ways I can better myself and become a more organized and “accomplished” person. To me, an accomplishment is setting a goal, any goal, and kicking it’s butt essentially. For 2018, one of my goals was to get promoted and move into a field that I was truly interested in. Earlier in the year, I planned everything out, determined exactly what I was looking for and exactly what I needed to do to get there. In August, I was able to make that goal a reality!

Corporate Style, Best Professional WearFor me, when it comes to goal setting, there are three things you must-do to reach them. First, it’s making sure your goal is attainable. In the past, I’ve over-committed myself on my goals and at some point just knew I wouldn’t be able to reach them. I like to start off small so instead of “I’m going to work out 7 days a week” I am for 3 days and then work up to a full week. Making sure your goal is attainable is so important so you don’t get overwhelmed.

Best Work Wear, Corporate Fashion, Plaid Dress, Work Wear StylesSecondly, I always make sure I allow myself to fail. A lot of times, we hold ourselves to such high standards that it’s easy to get discouraged if we miss a day or two. One mini goal I set is that if I miss a day, I always make the next day. That way, when I fall off the horse, I get right back up and keep going! Things come up so don’t take yourself too seriously but always try to jump right back into your routine.

Corporate Style, Goal Setting, Plaid Work DressLastly, consistency is key in goal setting and in life! Personally, I view a lot of my goals as a challenge to a change in habit. A goal might be to grow our blog following but we can’t do that unless we’re consistent with content. The same goes for something like studying or working out. Being consistent in those habits will help you reach your goal but also prepare you for long-term goals down the line. Within the goal is the opportunity to create a new habit that allows you to function better and of course create a better overall life. Because goals are about bettering yourself, right?

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Throughout the end of the year, some of my goals include reading a book a month, get a workout routine, and do a better job at maintaining our house. And those are just to name a few! What are you working on this year and maybe even for 2019?

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