Nothing Without Intention
Intention is something that can make or break anything from business strategies to relationships. We’ve been thinking about intention lately, partially thanks to Solange, and wanted to share these thoughts with you.
During the first quarter, we shared some of our thoughts on intention and being intentional with our subscribers. This newsletter was so well received we decided to do something we NEVER do and share newsletter content on the blog. The fourth quarter is upon us and it’s a great time to review how intentional you’re being with your efforts.
The dictionary definition of intention reads: a thing intended, an aim or plan. We all know how to goal set but what does acting with intention mean in the world of self-care? Recently, we’ve been challenging ourselves to leave none of our actions without intention. Think about your day to day activities, getting up early, passion projects, your relationships. How can you live intentionally?

It’s easy to get wrapped up in the normal day-to-day activities that life throws at us. Take your current job for example, do you show up fully present and engaged? Or are you there just to do a job and return home? When acting with intention, your actions are thoughtful and calculated in a way that allows you to reach your goals. Without intention, you will find yourself stuck and starving for a purpose. Simply going through the motions will only leave you ill-prepared for true growth when the time comes. Will you be ready?

Intentional Relationships
What about relationships? Have you ever heard someone say “It wasn’t my intention to hurt you”? and then wonder, “Well, what was your intention?” The best of friends can become total strangers because someone acted selfishly and inadvertently said or something to cause their friend pain. And you know the same can be said for romantic relationships. We can all appreciate someone who is clear about their intentions from the beginning. Leave no room for mixed signals, misunderstandings or confusion about the direction of the relationship. We’re not wasting anyone’s time in 2019 and beyond, okay? We’re being honest and forthcoming about our intentions with ourselves and others to navigate life as smoothly as possible. So how are you going to live intentionally?

Living Intentionally
1. Create a personal mantra or “words to live by”.
2. Ask yourself “what is my intention” before speaking or acting.
3. Focus on what really matters.
Let us know down below how you’re living intentionally or if this post has inspired you!