Must Do’s for your First Vacation in Rome

It’s been a month since we headed off to Rome & Athens for our annual Spring Vacation and I’m here to share details on our first leg of the trip! See our Must-Do’s if you’re heading to Rome for the first time!

Hello Loves! Every now and then I like to slip in a little something different and share my travels with you all! It’s becoming a bit of a tradition for the BF and I to sneak away in March for a little vacation and this year we took our talents to Italy & Greece!

When dreaming of our next spot after our LA getaway, I had no idea that we would A. Go to Europe, and B. Get such a great deal! I definitely thought we would head to somewhere like Mexico or the Dominican Republic (at least that’s what I was aiming for), but when we found a deal on flights, I immediately called Tony and said “We have to book NOW!” We were pretty flexible with our dates so it was a no brainer for us to book it when we could and then worry about the details later. We scored our deal way back in November so had about 4 months to plan which was more than enough time to get logistics together. Since we were going to two cities (at least), we had to get connecting flights and day trips settled but as long as we could get there and get back we weren’t too concerned.

I’m so excited to share our bits of the trip with you all as we had an AMAZING time! I mean when you go to Europe, I’ve found that the trips are more sightseeing focused versus relaxation and beach time so every one of our days were jam-packed with things to do and see! I’ve listed the Top 10 Things to do in Rome in 3 Days for you below which is the perfect amount of time in the city if you’re pressed for time.

10 Must-Do’s in Rome in 3 Days

Vatican City

On the first full day of our trip, we headed to the Vatican City to explore St. Peter’s Basilica, St. Peter’s Square and the Sistine Chapel. This was probably my favorite day just due to the beauty of everything and how detailed each piece of art was! Tony’s really into history so he was in heaven during the tour. We opted to do a group guided tour (which was interesting to say the least) but we knew that we would see all the main attractions and since it was our first time in Italy (we definitely plan on going back!), we wanted to knock out the big ones first.

Trevi Fountain

A second must do is of course the Trevi Fountain! I was getting serious Lizzy McGuire vibes (don’t act like you don’t remember that movie I know you do!) We passed the fountain a few times before actually “seeing” it. We kept getting turned around and taking the wrong street before finally running smack into it and witnessing all it’s glory! It’s honestly such a beautiful piece of work and so much more grand than I expected. I was blown away!

Spanish Steps

On one of the nicer days we had in Rome (we had some pretty rainy days), we did a lot of walking and made it around to the Spanish Steps before hitting a museum. Now, I didn’t walk all of the steps but I got about 85% of the way up and made sure to “look back at it” and take in the sights. The city holds so much history, everywhere you turn has something to share!


Now of course you have to stop by the Colosseum during your trip to Rome! It’s probably the top main attraction when going to Rome so with our 72 Hour Rome pass in hand, we headed to the Colosseum first thing Monday Morning. I’ve heard some people choose not to go inside but I would highly suggest going inside and walking the landmark. It’s such a huge place and so detailed, it was really a sight to see.

Roman Forum

Right next to the Colosseum, and by right next I mean a patch of grass away, is the Roman Forum. It’s described as the area/town that held the government buildings of Rome back in the day. Similar to a town square of sorts. This portion of the trip required a lot of walking but it was totally worth it especially for the views at top peaks.

Eat at Pane y Vino

I’m a lucky woman to say that Tony has a knack for picking great restaurants both home and away. After visiting both the Colosseum and the Roman Forum (about a 4.5 hour task), it’s safe to say we were both exhausted and especially hungry. Before we left the AirBnb, Tony picked out a fantastic sandwich place to go to for lunch! Located a few blocks from the Colosseum, we wen’t to Pane y Vino which had some of the best sandwiches/burger I’ve ever had! When we ordered, the owner said we picked the two best menu items so safe to say we have great taste!

Eat Gelato (duh!)

Gelato is a must in Italy so one day on our way back to the apartment one evening, we stopped over at Gelateria S.M. Maggiore right off Cavour and had the most delicious gelato! Tony went with Caramel and I kept things in true Italian form and ordered Tiramisu! It was so refreshing and rewarding after a long day of walking around Rome it was well deserved. We ate it all too… #NoRegrets

Have espresso at a cafe

There’s something I love about waking up early in the morning in Europe and having a croissant and espresso to start the day. The streets are so quaint and charming it’s just the perfect way to start the day especially on vacation. Every morning (not extremely early however) we headed out to grab espresso and cappuccinos to start the day and even add in one after lunch if we’re feeling a little sluggish. It’s an easy to do and while I’m more of a tea drinker, I definitely capitalized on the extra caffeine boost.

Walk through the Republique

With all the walking we did across the city, we were bound to get lost a few times but that also allowed us to stumble upon different parts of the city that weren’t necessarily on our route. While walking back from the Trevi Fountain, we ran across the Republique (a square of sorts) as we headed to the Museo di Roma. It was such a fun, lively area with so much to offer! Come to find out, it was also about a 15 minute walk from the apartment and the train.

Walk along the River Tiber

Lastly, when we were coming back from Vatican City, we opted to walk instead of taking the train like we did to get there. The River Tiber was not only peaceful but it offered some great views of the city on both sides of the River. It reminded me of both the rivers in Paris & London so I loved walking alongside it and reminiscing while making new memories.

We did so much in each city I knew it was going to be very difficult to share all the details of every single nook and cranny so a little surprise is below! Check out our vacation vlog below for our three days in Rome!

P.S. There’s more to come so stay on the look-out for our other adventures!

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