What to Wear, and Do, at Your Company Holiday Party

Between what to wear, what to do, who to speak to and when to stop at the open bar, Holiday work celebrations can be tough to navigate. Prepare yourself with some tips below and of course a stylish look to wear while there.

Hello Loves! Holiday season calls for multiple gatherings all throughout the month and probably the most daunting can sometimes be your company’s shindig. Between what to wear, what to do, who to speak to and when to stop at the open bar, it an be a tough night to navigate especially if it’s your first go around. So today, I’m sharing a few things you MUST do at your company’s Holiday party plus a sleek look to wear the night of.

  1. Go – First of all, whether you’re excited or absolutely dreading it, JUST GO. Show up to the party, leave your coat at the coat check, and stay for at least an hour. You might have other plans afterward but for right now, this is the priority.Best holiday style, corporate party, black women working, atlantic pacific, white after labor day, winter white
  2. Go Solo (Just for a little) – I know the first instinct is to bring a buddy to help you through the night whether that be a SO or a BFF, but fly solo for just a bit. It’s an important night in your career so leave some you time to see old co-workers and network a bit.Tibi blouse, holiday style, best holiday wear, .jpg
  3. Set a Goal – This goal should not be to see how many open bar lines you can get through. Make a small goal of how many new people you want to network with. When you’re early on in your career, networking is key. You might find another line of business you’re interested in or learn something new about a co-worker you never knew before!Black tibi blouse, tibi top, rent the runway
  4. Make some new friends – If you’re going solo, I promise you won’t be the only one! If you see someone standing alone at a table, take it upon yourself and simply ask them if this is their first party. It’s a simple segue into finding out how long they’ve been with your company, their role, and so forth. Don’t be shy to ask questions either. People love talking about themselves so keep a few fail-safe questions in your back pocket.Tibi Blouse, holiday work party, what to wear to a holiday party, corporate party
  5. Do be mindful of your alcohol intake – Some people take the holiday party to let loose and let it all hang out. Please don’t do that. I repeat, DO NOT LET IT ALL HANG OUT. Save your wild nights for evenings with friends, not your co-workers. Have a drink or two but pace yourself and make sure you eat as well. You don’t want to waste the whole night in line for the bar or show an unprofessional face to the CEO.Black Tibi Triacetate Top, Best work style, corporate party, what to wear to holiday party, best working women
  6. Do talk about things outside of work – The holiday party is a chance to get to know your co-workers outside of spreadsheets and power points. Take some time to see what they’re up to the coming weekend or what their kids are up to during the long break.TibI Blouse, What to wear to holiday party, best corporate style, corporate holiday party outfit, ivory pants, best work style
  7. Dress Appropriately – Now, I’m a huge fan of going a little over the top when it comes to wardrobe but as always, there’s a time and a place for everything. Wear something a little our of the norm and not your usual work digs. If it’s a casual party, throw on a fun blazer, bold pants, or dramatic top (see below!). If it’s cocktail style, aim for a brighter or jewel-toned piece so you stand out from the usual black on black. If it’s formal, go ahead and go all out with the sparkle! Whatever you do, make sure you give your shoes a test run before showing up!

Will you be taking some of these tips to your company holiday party?

xo Sydney



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