The #1 Rule When Purchasing Trends
Since we’re all practicing social distancing, don’t let being cooped up at home as a reason to online shop and buy things you’ll never wear. Don’t purchase anything else until you read this tip!
I read a statistic somewhere that said we only wear about 15% of our wardrobe. At first I was surprised, but then I thought to myself it actually makes a lot of sense. It can be so easy for us to get caught up in the digital age of swiping and IG shopping, many of us find ourselves over consuming and purchasing things that aren’t really a need.
Recently, I’ve been seeing a lot of influencers posting “You need this!” “It’s a must have!”, “GOTTA HAVE IT!”…but do you? Don’t be fooled by the trends this season and only purchase something if you can answer do this.

Before I purchase anything, AND I MEAN ANYTHING, I determine at least 5 different ways to wear it. Whether that be shoes, purses, blouses or dresses, I always determine at least 5 ways, or instances, to wear something. I have a pretty good idea about my closet inventory, so before I purchase something, in my head I think of at least 5 other pairings to wear the new digs.

For example, recently I purchased this ivory blazer from Nordstrom. At first, I thought it was a riskier piece especially since it was getting colder, but I figured I could wear it with: plaid pants, camel skirt, black jeans, regular jeans, a rust dress, and a favorite pleated skirt of mine. Granted that’s more than 5 but I knew I would be able to get that AND more. Currently, I’m eyeing to wear it with a rich camel pant I scored from H&M.

This rule I’ve made has really helped me only purchase pieces I love AND ones that work with my closet. So many times I’ve found myself with items that were cute, but didn’t go with the rest of my closet. Surely, a year from that I’d find myself dropping it off at the Goodwill store…with tags on. Talk about wasteful.

Before you head out to purchase a hot new trend, test yourself with this rule. If it makes the cut, great! If not, head back to the drawing board and snag it online.