The Best Bag for Commuting to Work – ft. Senreve

Long ago in a land of 2013 I began my search for the ultimate work bag that satisfies all of my needs. Prime organization skills, minimal shoulder pain, and the optimal cross between style and function.
After years of searching, it’s safe to say I found it!

For years, I searched high and low for a tote style bag that could get me to and from the office with ease. I wanted to look sophisticated while commuting and that didn’t include a bulky backpack with 8 zippers.
For me, my work bag must mark off this checklist:
- Must hold a 14 in laptop – My work laptops are always about this size so anything smaller than 14 inches is a no for me dawg.
- Pockets – Pens, chapstick, wireless mouse, two phones, wallet etc. Nothing is worse than digging and rustling through your bag for something that should be easily accessible.
- Structure – I prefer a style of bag that sits straight up when empty and full. No slouchy pouches here.
- SPACE – If you’re like me and commute to work, i.e, take public transportation I HAVE to be about hold another pair of shoes (specifically heels) in my bag.
- Convertible – Since I was used to a tote, this wasn’t a major just have but more of a nice to have.

Since entering the workforce, I’ve had roughly 4 tote style bags. One being a mid priced Kate Spade that actually functioned pretty well but broke 3 years into the game. Being on a budget, I wasn’t ready to purchase another big ticket item. However I did stumble upon a sleek leather backpack that did the job. But I missed my tote so much, that it just didn’t feel like me.

A few years down the road and many broken straps later, I stumbled upon the Senreve brand who claimed they had it all. Everything I needed and wanted in a work bag.
And to my surprise they doooo!

Starting at $895, this would be my first big luxury purchase so I did A LOT of research before purchasing. We’re all about quality over quantity here so a bag that was well made and long-lasting made sense for me especially since it’s something I use at least 4 days a week.

I saved up for it and used my new job and birthday as an excuse to pull the lever. It is truly at the intersection of style and function. Of course there are a few cons, one being the price. Eight hundred plus is a big amount to spend but that’s expected with a luxury item. Oh, and did I mention it comes with a lifetime warranty?
Also, it holds A LOT but it doesn’t hold EVERYTHING. So, if you need a bag that holds heels, sneakers, work out clothes, coffee mug AND a water bottle. This isn’t the best option. It takes care of my work essentials plus a pair of heels and my lunch container.

I highly encourage you (budget permitting) to check it out in a Nordstrom’s near you or online!
Check out my full review video below to see it in action!

OMG, you speak my mind! I bought my Maestra bag for almost the same reasons as you listed! I’m so happy it holds my 14inch laptop and so many other stuff! It’s my first ever luxury purchase as well and I think it’s totally worth it since I use it every single workday!