texture close up working mom

Working Mom-Easy Office Ensemble

Life as a working mom is far from easy! Getting yourself and kids ready in the morning can prove to be a difficult task that leaves you looking and feeling frazzled. Today’s look is the perfect fix for the working mom who’s short on time but still wants to deliver a well put together office look!

Hello Lovelies!

I hope you all are doing well as we come off the heels of dreadful snow storms (I’m jealous of everyone in a warm climate)! Spring seems to finally be peeking around the corner and boy am I glad! Today I wanted to focus on a look that would be super easy for a working mom to put together but still very clean cut and stylish.

As you all know I’m the proud mommy of a very lively, intelligent and opinionated two year old girl. Now, my baby girl is my everything but some mornings she really gives me the flux, whether she’s refusing to put on a particular pair of shoes, or not feeling clothes all together, negotiating her wardrobe for the day leaves me with very little time to get myself together. I’m not the type to walk around looking like “who did it and why” (my momma taught me better) so I had to come up with tactics to dress to impress at work with minimal time.

working mom ensemble blue

Shirt: H & M | Skirt: The Limited (similar) | Bag: ShoeDazzle (similar) | Shoes: Michael Antonio (similar)

I love this look because it’s effortlessly business casual and still carries texture and depth to it. A lot of times we like to layer to add more dimension to our looks but as a working mom, I don’t always have the luxury of extra time to build up a layered look. A quick fix to this is wearing pieces that have interesting patterns and textures so you can wear minimal layers. This blouse is from H & M, they had Oxford style shirts on sale 2 for $35 so I couldn’t pass that deal up! My linen wrap skirt is from The Limited and it’s one of my go to year round pieces.

texture close up working mom

When I shop for clothes I always look for pieces, tops especially, that have some kind of eye catching detail. This keeps my outfits from looking boring. This particular blouse has a very subtle stripe and polka dot combo print and white cuffs. I can easily dress this blouse up with a blazer and switch out my faux wrap skirt for a pair of tailored trousers. Having focal pieces like this on hand make it easy to pull a look together quickly and you can pair it with a simple bottom and still make a statement.

working mom full look

Monochromatic looks are the cheat code to looking well put together. The different shades of blue in my ensemble work in harmony to create a classy, sleek look. As a working mom, the illusion that I put a lot of thought and effort into my looks even when I can’t is important. In an office setting this is especially important because your peers, superiors and clients are all factoring how you look into their interactions with you. When you look good you feel good and you exude confidence to those around you!

black and blue pump close up

To really pull my look together I reached for my Michael Antonio pumps. I caught these on sale at AKIRA for $20! Keep an eye out for when your favorite boutiques have huge sales on footwear! BOGO sales and extreme price reductions are an easy way to add more pieces to your working mom wardrobe.

Another major key in getting yourself ready in the morning efficiently is planning your outfit the night before. This is something I tried to put into practice for years but once I became a mom I realized how essential it is! When I wasn’t planning my outfits the night before I would spend anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes trying to pull something together in the morning. Since getting a baby together is a time consuming task on it’s own, I really didn’t have that extra time to tear through my closet looking for something to wear. Now, my mornings go a lot more smoothly because I plan ahead. Even if I don’t have time to try on what I want to wear, I think about it and even pull the pieces out together to make sure it looks right.

blue working mom ensemble

Shirt: H & M | Skirt: The Limited (similar) | Bag: ShoeDazzle (similar) | Shoes: Michael Antonio (similar)

Less is more when you’re a working mom running on minimal dressing time. A duo as simple as a skirt and blouse can make a positive impression in the office with minimal effort. Make sure you have a wardrobe with pieces that equip you for those days you have an uncooperative child on your hands in the morning and you’re running out of time for yourself. Remember, moms are superheros too! We have to look the part so people know how powerful we are!

I hope you all enjoyed this look!

Until next time,


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